City-Tech Tokyo for a sustainable future
작성일 2023.2.27.~28.조회수 1,267

오는 27~28일, 인이지가 City-Tech Tokyo 2023에 참가합니다.

본 행사는 도쿄도가 주도하는 첫 해외 스타트업 이벤트로 기조강연, 토크세션, 피칭, 전시부스 기업 데모 등 다양한 프로그램이 예정되어 있습니다.

인이지는 전시 부스를 운영, 글로벌 대기업 및 일본 정부(도시 계획 및 개발) 부처 관계자들과의 네트워킹에 참가할 예정입니다.

  • 일정: 09:00-18:30, Feb 27-28, 2023
  • 장소: 도쿄 국제(도쿄도 치요다구 마루노우치 산쵸메 5번 1호)
  • 위치: Hall E / Hall D7
  • 이벤트 비전: Tokyo City-Tech for a sustainable future, powered by startup spirit

It is an event on the theme of "City-Tech for a sustainable future" Creating with startup through open innovation from Tokyo to the world" in Tokyo in February 2023. This is the first global event for startups, led by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

With a target of having 300 start-up booths and hosting 10,000 participants from100 cities in 30 countries, the event will create opportunities for tangible collaboration and increased investment in infrastructure, environment, living and culture, which will lead to a new urban vision based on diverse ideas and technologies. Furthermore, a pitch contest “City-Tech Challenge” with a prize fund of 10 million JPY will be held to determine the City-Tech's No.1 startup, and business meetings will be arranged with the participation of Japanese corporate decision-makers and high-level domestic and foreign start-ups.

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