Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy rewrites the success equation for industrial innovation, focusing on AI!
Date 2023.01.13.View 1,290

Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (Chairman) Lee Chang-yang met with government members including the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, and the Ministry of Employment and Labor, POSCO Vice President Kim Ki-soo and LG Energy at the EC Room of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jung-gu, Seoul on Friday the 13th. Solution Executive Director, Samsung SDS Vice President Kang Seong-soo, KT Managing Director Bae Soon-min, and Wizcore CEO Park Deok-geun, and other civilian members attended the 「1st Industrial Digital Transformation Committee」, and discussed the industrial AI internalization strategy, industrial digital transformation committee operating bylaws, and industry. Agenda such as data contract guidelines were discussed. (Photo: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)

The 'Transition Committee' is a control tower for industrial digital transformation policy and plans to play a role in reviewing the government's major policies and checking implementation performance.

At the first transition committee held on this day, the 'Industrial AI Internalization Strategy' and the 'Transition Committee Operating Rules' were reviewed and confirmed, and the 'Industrial Data Contract Guidelines' prepared to create a fair industrial data distribution and transaction environment were reported.

The 'Industrial AI Internalization Strategy' established this time is different from the government's AI policy focus on general fields (finance, administration, etc.), which focused on developing AI source technology, and applied AI to our industry ( The policy focus was on AI internalization, and emphasis was placed on collaboration between AI demand companies and supply companies, strengthening capabilities, and creating a private sector-led ecosystem so that AI internalization can proceed quickly.

Through this measure, the government will increase the proportion of companies using AI, which is currently only 1%, to 30%, and foster more than 100 AI supply companies with global competitiveness according to the survey on industrial digital transformation (June 2022, Korea Productivity Center) We plan to operate various support programs to achieve policy goals, and in the process, we will closely collaborate with related ministries and communicate broadly with the private sector.

The core of the measure is to promote cooperation projects between supply and demand companies that apply AI solutions to key industrial facilities, designate projects with large industrial impact as national leading projects, and use technologies that promote AI use by demand companies such as data preprocessing, digital twin, and low code/no. Develop three sets of codes to strengthen AI utilization capabilities for companies in demand. 

AI through customized consulting for demand companies with potential capabilities (500 medium-sized companies, 500 small and medium-sized companies), establishment of an AI utilization foundation (data platform, IoT system), and micro-degree courses for non-AI major personnel (college students, job seekers, and employed people). Short-term, compressed training of convergence manpower (100 people in 2023, 400 people per year from 2024).

In addition, an industrial digital innovation fund worth 400 billion won will be created and operated (~'24) to support DX investment funds for small and medium-sized companies. In addition, by creating a private-led DX ecosystem, we provide one-stop support to DX companies such as consulting, demand-supply matching, and overseas expansion, and collect product user data (industry my data) and provide related manufacturing and service companies.

Meanwhile, the 'Industrial AI Internalization Strategy' confirmed this time is established as the first comprehensive plan, as the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is required to establish a comprehensive plan for industrial digital transformation based on Article 5 of the 'Industrial Digital Transformation Promotion Act'.